The human body is an amazing biological computerized manufacturing unit. There are so many functions that are performed by your body that you are unaware actually happening, it takes major textbooks and years of study to understand the many processes that exist to keep you alive and healthy.
The good news is you can grasp how your body functions without having to have a degree in anatomy and physiology and biochemistry. All you need to understand is that by providing your body with optimum nutrition, you can have a healthy and disease free live.
Children require optimum nutrition if they are maximize their growth potential. Adults need optimum nutrition if they are to resist illness and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The reason you eat and drink is to provide nutrients and fluid for the body to function.
Essentially, your body has seven basic requirements for optimum health. These are proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, carbohydrates, water and oxygen. Each has to be available in proportionate levels that are required by your body to be able to produce the many other biochemical compounds essential for optimum health. If you lack sufficient of any of these requirements, your body will function but not in the way it has been designed for to live in optimum health.
Most adults live more of a living death rather than an energized vibrant life. This is because when insufficient daily intake of any of the seven abovementioned daily bodily requirements occurs, the body has no option but to function at a reduced level of activity. This is so, even if you are sitting down resting or competing to set world records in any physically demanding activity like conquering the highest mountain or swimming from England to France.
Your energy levels may be high because you consume carbohydrates, but your ability to use that energy effectively will be restricted if you have not got optimum levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, water and oxygen getting into every cell of your body.
Diabetes is an example of people having high carbohydrate intake but insufficient amounts of other nutrients for their cells to burn the “carbs”. Carbohydrate is broken down into sugar. This is why diabetics often get unexpected surges of sugar in their blood, even though they claim they keep watch on their sugar intake.
When runners hit the wall in marathons is another example of insufficient nutrients. Insufficient minerals (known as electrolytes) are the reason why runners hit the wall and suffer cramps. But protein and fatty acids are also important as well as having sufficient water and good lungs to separate the oxygen from polluted air.
Your body begins to self-destruct as a result of not having sufficient nutrients to perform at a level that maintains optimum health and prevent dysfunction and early cell death. Autoimmune diseases are the result of poor nutrition or insufficient nutrition; so is the inability of your body to produce blood cells at optimum levels. Both these problems are supposedly the result of old age. The truth is thinning blood and diseases associated with old age are really the consequence of insufficient nutrition.
You can prevent dying from so-called natural causes before your time and enjoy a long and healthy life. You can prevent the onset of autoimmune disease and thinning of your blood and keep yourself free of viruses and harmful bacteria by ensuring you are consuming the right nutrition.
Reliv provides not only the balance of nutrition your body requires but ensures that the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and critical phytonutrients and detoxifying herbs actually go through your liver and into your blood rather than going through your colon and down the toilet.
Your blood cells take 120 days to renew, so by taking a four month trial, you genuinely prove how much better your body will feel with renewed blood cells and optimum nutrition.
You can enjoy a healthier body and more energy by taking Reliv NOW and Ennergize and, if need be, Arth-Affect by contacting Reliv in your country. You can begin your four month trial by telephoning the Reliv Office in your country. To order Reliv you will need a sponsor’s I.D. no. My Independent Distributor No. is AURIC001954.
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