Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Truth About RELIV

Your body is a powerful biological entity. It has the power to manufacture many substances from the nutrients provided in your daily intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates.

You can argue that your genes determine the quality of your life and how long you will live regardless of what you eat, drink or inhale. Yet you know this is untrue. People who eat, drink and inhale toxins become ill, and illness leads to death.

Sewage, sanitation and clean water contribute to people being able to live longer than ever before. No sewage, poor sanitation and dirty water lead to disease that produces illness, which leads to death.

Your immune system has the ability to fight off any bacteria, microbe or virus that might invade your body. Yet your immune system will not work if it has not been supplied with the appropriate energy and number of blood cells required to sustain a strong immune system. This has nothing to do with genes, but a lot to do with nutrition.

Inadequate nutrition is the reason why people get ill. Inadequate nutrition is the reason why people die from a body that is not able to continue to function optimally.

Commonsense tells us that in order for us to live a healthy and productive life, we need to function at optimum levels. It is impossible to function at optimal levels if we are unable to produce energy at the cellular level. More to the point, unless every cell in our body is functioning at its optimal level, then it is impossible for us to do so.

How can you best energize every one of the cells in your body to function at its optimum level?

You can do this by ensuring you have the optimal levels of what every cell requires to be a powerhouse of goodness for your benefit. This means you will daily take sufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates and phytonutrients required by your body to synthesize the many proteins and hormones and endorphins your body needs to overcome lethargy, illness and disease and prevent aging.

Myself, I have tried a number of different products to maintain health and prevent aging. The one that has come up with being the most effective and beneficial and true value for money has been Reliv.

Every day I consume Reliv Now, one scoop in the evening and one scoop in the morning.

For five years I also took Reliv Arth-Affect. As a consequence of this my cartilage in my knees repaired and they no longer make loud cracks when bending them. But, better still, I had a bone density check done when I was fifty-two years old and the practitioner doing the test was astounded to find that my bone density was that expected of a 20yr old.

At the gym the people who are my age look about twenty years older than me. They do not seem to have the same level of energy either. I put this down to taking optimum nutrition the easy way with two shakes a day.

When I was introduced to Reliv NOW, the pharmacist who introduced me told me to allow 120 days to test the product, because this is how long the blood cells take to renew. He told me that the synergistically balanced nutrition of Reliv NOW will ensure superior blood cells are created by the body and this will enhance my immune system. I checked out his claim about the blood cycle and found him to be correct, so I decided to give the product a four month trial. To my delight, I found this to be the one of the best decisions I have made.

You can enjoy a healthier body and more energy by taking Reliv NOW and Ennergize and, if need be, Arth-Affect by contacting Reliv in your country. If like me, you would like to take the four month trial, you can by telephoning the Reliv Office in your country. To order Reliv you will need a sponsor’s I.D. no. My Independent Distributor No. is AURIC001954.

Have a question. Want an answer? Email me NOW at

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