Sunday, April 24, 2011

3 Little Known Critical Facts About Nutritional Supplements

Most people waste their money buying supplements. This is because when they swallow them they are not fully absorbed.

Another problem is that which is absorbed does not function as well as it should because the other required nutrients are insufficient or missing altogether.

A further concern is taking recommended daily amounts of nutrition are merely recommendations to avoid dying before your time, not to live a healthy life.

In order for you to be truly healthy, you need to consume optimum nutrients that are synergistically balanced and possess bioavailability.


When people take nutrients that are in pill form or capsule form these do not readily break down and often pass through the intestines, with the remains being found in sewerage traps. Many tons of partially consumed tablets and capsules are found in sewerage traps every month. This is because only around 15% to 30% of the nutrients in capsule or tablet form are used to benefit the person who swallows them.

Bioavailability is a reference to how much a nutrient is absorbed through the intestine walls of the gut and made available to the cells that require the nutrient.

The best means of delivery is to have the nutrients broken down and suspended in water so they can be consumed as a drink. Instead of 70% or more of the nutrients being wasted, as in the case of capsules and tablets, when nutrients are swallowed as a drink, nearly 100% is absorbed into the blood stream.


Taking vitamins and minerals is one thing, ensuring that they do their job is another thing.

For nutrients to work as they should, you need to have present the appropriate amounts required by every cell of your body. This means that every one of the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins, phytonutrients and carbohydrates need to be working together as required by your body for your physiological functions to perform as they should. More often than not people are like an eight cylinder car that is running on four cylinders rather than all eight, and tasks that should be effortless become hard work.

Synergism refers to all the nutrients working together so your body hums along and can perform at its best when required.

The benefits of synergism are nearly beyond belief and are as follows:

• Your immune system is able to defend itself against disease more easily.

• Bacteria and microbial infections find it difficult to infect your body.

• Viruses are challenged at the doorway of the cells they try to enter.

• Your lymph system is able to fight off cancer.

• Your immune system does not malfunction and start attacking your own body.

Optimum Nutrition vs. RDA

Optimum nutrition enables your body to function at its best. This does not happen if you are only getting the recommended daily dose, otherwise known as RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance).

Your body can be compared to an automobile engine and the nutrition you consume to the octane levels of the engine fuel.

For example, a journalist took three cars exactly the same to test their fuel economy. The aim was to demonstrate paying the price of high octane fuels was a waste of money when low octane economy fuel would perform just as well.

The result amazed the journalist.

The most expensive highest octane fuel not only outperformed the mileage of the other two cheaper fuels, but proved to be more economical.

It is well known by professionals that higher octane fuels not only obtain greater mileage per gallon, but also burn cleaner and help prevent wear and tear within the engine.

Economy fuels struggle to perform and produce more wear and tear. You can call this an inherited predisposition or an inherent fault, but the truth is when an engine is built to function at its best with high octane fuels but instead is supplied low octane fuels, you cannot expect much more. Your body is no different. Most people are walking around with their organs and body systems functioning below par because they supply them with inadequate nutrition.

Optimum nutrition means that you will not be subject to illnesses the same as those on RDAs and neither will your body’s cells, tissues, organs and systems breakdown so easily from wear and tear.

Optimum nutrition means that your body’s ability to manufacture the hundreds of proteins from the daily consumption of the required eight basic proteins will not be impaired.

Optimum nutrition means that the “use it or lose it” process of dying will take longer to happen for you, because your body has the fuel to function as it should, and therefore you will live a longer healthier life.

You can begin to enjoy the advantages of having nutrition that works for you.

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