Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Effects Of Denatured Foods Pt 1

By denatured foods is meant foods that have been so altered and impaired in the processes of manufacturing, bleaching, canning, cooking, preserving, pickling, etc., that they are no longer as well fitted to meet the needs of the body as they were in the state Nature prepared them.

Every trophologist knows that the old "balanced ration" was what McCarrison called it, a "deficiency ration." It was composed of four items--proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water. Numerous animal experiments have shown that, while proteins, carbohydrates and fats are food elements, they are not in and by themselves food, either when taken alone or when artificially mixed.

In the Museum of Natural History (New York), is an exhibit showing the effects of soil deficiency on plant life. These plants, all of the same kind, were reared in soils lacking some element. The exhibit has to be seen to be fully appreciated. The plants range in size from about three inches to about eighteen inches in height. Their color ranges from pale yellow to dark green. The leaves of some are broad, of others narrow. Some of the leaves are kinky. All of the plants except one is defective both in size, color and features and all except that one were raised in soil lacking some food element. For example, one was raised in a soil lacking iron, (the plant has "anemia"), another in a soil lacking potassium, another in a soil lacking nitrogen, etc.

Food is the "soil" of animals. The digestive tract represents their roots. If essential food elements are lacking in their soil (foods), they, like the plants in the experiments, fail and die. Ride along the highway with an experienced farmer and he will point out to you, as he passes swiftly by in a car, fertile soil and poor soil, by the vegetation growing thereon; but the same farmer fails to recognize that sickly and stunted children are the result of poor soil (food).

Experiments revealed that animals fed on a diet composed of purified proteins, purified starches, purified fats and inorganic salts, although they may live on these for a time, do not grow and in a short time develop various pathological conditions as a result of such a "diet." If whey, or fruit juice, or vegetables are then added to the diet, the symptoms improve and the animals thrive better.

One physician sums up these results in these words: "What has been established is that a diet that contains enough nourishment, by all the recognized chemical standards, still fails to support normal growth and physiologic normality, if it lacks some unknown substances present in a variety of animal and plant tissues. A very little of these substances needs to be present, but there is an irreducible minimum."

Children and adults, alike, regularly consume breakfasts such as this one: Stewed prunes, a denatured cereal with white sugar and pasteurized cream, toast (white), pasteurized milk and, perhaps, bacon and eggs. Every article in this breakfast is denatured and altered chemically to a great extent. It is a predominantly acid forming breakfast and yet, the vitamin faddist will tell us only that it is lacking vitamin C or D. He will advise adding a little orange juice and cod-liver oil to make this a good breakfast. Our vitamin knowledge, where it is permitted to obscure all else, as is usually the case, certainly blinds so-called dietitians to some of the most important facts and principles of food science--trophology.

Except for the fresh fruits and vegetables you eat, practically everything you have on your table has had something done to it. Your milk is pasteurized, condensed, evaporated, boiled; your eggs are from hens that lay two or three hundred eggs a year and are fed on "rich" fare that produces disease in them. Your sugar is the crystallized, refined and bleached sap of cane or beet that has had all the minerals and vitamins removed from it. Your cereals are cracked, rolled, hammered, frittered, curled, flaked, ironed and even "shot from cannon," they are roasted, twice roasted, boiled, and in other ways rendered foodless. Wheat is milled, its minerals and vitamins removed, the flour is bleached and chemicalized. Its most important food elements are removed in the milling process. Your flesh foods are embalmed, smoked, pickled, salted, canned, corned, sausaged, fried, baked, broiled, refrigerated, cold-storaged and kept for long periods before being eaten. They are often drugged to give them color or flavor. Perhaps they come from sick animals. Your dried fruits are heated in drying, bleached with sulphur dioxide, stored for long periods of time and, finally, stewed and mixed with white sugar before being eaten.

The refining, preserving and cooking processes to which our foods are subjected destroy extraordinarily delicate and tender vital food factors. The refining and cooking processes rob foods of so much of their values that we add salt, sugar, spices, pepper and various other condiments and seasonings to them to make them palatable. Without the additions of such things they are dull, flat, insipid. Not so natural foods. Nature has placed delicate flavors and aromas in her foods that appeal to the senses of taste and smell.

A nation whose diet is made up almost wholly of such foodless foods cannot possibly be well nourished. Why go to great lengths and much trouble to build up our soils and then take everything out of the foods that the improved soils have put into them? When physicians prescribe such foods for infants and young children, for pregnant and nursing mothers and for patients they display both a lamentable ignorance of food values and a callous indifference to the welfare of children, mothers and patients. When they eat such foods themselves and feed them to their own children, they reveal that ignorance is their most prominent characteristic.

Over eighty years ago, Dr. Magendie, of Paris, starved one full pen of dogs to death by feeding them a diet of white flour and water, while another pen thrived on whole wheat flour and water. He fed another pen of dogs all the beef tea they could consume, and gave the dogs of another pen only water. The beef tea fed dogs all starved to death. The water fed dogs had lost considerable weight and would have starved also if the experiment had been continued; however, they were alive after those fed on beef tea were all dead. They were fed and all recovered.

Dogs fed on albumen, fibrine, or gelatine--the constituents of muscle--died in about a month. They can live longer than this on water alone. Dogs fed on the constituents of muscle artificially mixed, died in about the same time. Dogs fed on oil, gum or sugar died in four to five weeks. Dogs fed on fine (white) flour bread lived but fifty days.

A goose fed on egg white died in twenty-six days. A duck fed on butter died in three weeks, with the butter exuding from every part of its body, its feathers being saturated with fat. A goose fed on gum died in sixteen days; one fed on sugar in twenty-one days; two fed on starch died in twenty-four and twenty-seven days.

(From the book "The Hygienic System: Orthotrophy", by Herbert M. Shelton.)

If you are not getting optimum nutrition then you should begin getting the right products to help you. I have seen some remarkable results take place in people who have decided they no longer want to suffer from their ill health.

Have a question. Want an answer? Email me NOW at happyriches@gmail.com.

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