Friday, July 19, 2013

Howl The Beautiful Angel Groans

Howl The Beautiful Angel Groans

July 2nd 2013 05:48
When thinking about health, most of us immediately think of being fit and looking fantastic. This is what health is supposed to be. It is like a house. When we see a house, we see the outside. The outside is how we judge the occupants. A good looking house that is well kept must have owners who care for it. This is how we think. If the house is magnificent in its appearance, our natural instinct is to admire the owners. Likewise, our bodies are the same.

However, our bodies can be marred by different defects. Some of us have skin conditions that prevent us from looking as good as we might like to look. Some of us will have warts and moles that appear in the wrong places like on the top our nose and the tip of our chin. One mole placed on the upper cheek is called a beauty spot; a hundred moles are called a curse.

Some of us will have to shave when we wanted to be feminine and others of us will find that being masculine means having to shave three times a day, so it is easier to grow a beard. Some of us grow a beard to hide our acne.Those that shave only once a week hate the fact that every budding zit gets nicked and we look more like we have been attacked by a cat, so we start shaving every day, and wish we had not started.

Some of us suffer from deformities as a result of accidents. Some of us suffer deformities as a result of birth, which leaves us wondering who was on strike when the doctor was called, and why wasn’t our angel on duty.

Some of us have genetically predisposed conditions that prevent us from obtaining that golden bronze tan. Some of us are black. Some of us are brown. Some of us are heavily freckled with what appear to be orange spots. Some of us end up being like cooked lobsters after having been in the sun. Some of us will have suffered sunstroke and know what it is to wake up in the middle of a hot night shivering and wondering who threw us in the freezer.

Body beautiful is not just an industry, for most of us it is a way of life. And it is not a modern phenomenon. Throughout the ages, a body needed to be beautiful. If it wasn’t beautiful; it was adorned to make it look beautiful. This why Papuans wear long wooden shafts on their penises; why certain tribes in Africa and Asia placed rings around girls ‘necks to stretch them and plates are used to stretch lips, and the Chinese mangled women’s feet. This is also why people have made masks and adorned themselves with the furs of animals and feathers of birds. This is why people have painted and tattooed themselves throughout the centuries. This innate desire to mask our inner feelings of inadequacy so that we might look better on the outside, regardless of how hideous we might look appears to be a need for not just us living today but also many of our ancestors..

Beauty might be in the eyes of the beholder, good health is the result of what goes on inside the body, beautiful or not. We all like to be beautiful. We will find that we are in the eyes of at least one other, if not everyone. This beauty is not necessarily found with creams, potions, mascara or eyeliner; nor is it found with pins, piercings, rings, scars and tattoos. It is found in a healthy mind, body and soul.

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